122 Search Results for Ibsen's

Ibsen's Doll House Doll's House Term Paper

Instead of needing his help and protection, Torvald finds out that it was only Nora's role playing and really she was capable of working and doing deceptive things. Torvald's response to the letter shows that he has very little self-awareness and re Continue Reading...

Ibsen's "A Doll's House" In A Doll's Essay

Ibsen's "A Doll's House" In A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen, the play's protagonist Nora Helmer has her character defined, in part, by the use of a dramatic foil for her -- her former schoolmate Christina, always addressed as "Mrs. Linde" because she Continue Reading...

Ibsen S Focus on Warring Brothers Essay

gathered some notes while going through the play and I used them in order to emphasize the difference between the two brothers. I found myself developing a paradox while trying to describe Peter and Thomas' difference -- on the one hand I saw the mo Continue Reading...

Henrik Ibsen's "A Doll's House Term Paper

Nora's life has been made economically easy by her husband, but that subordination is what takes the ease out of her life of comfort. Torvald is the dominant partner in their marriage. Without his consent, she cannot make major decisions, like make Continue Reading...

Ghosts Henrik Ibsen's Ghosts As Essay

Mr. Alving's many affairs on the other hand, including with their maid (resulting in Regina's birth), though not exactly condoned by society are not frowned upon as much as Mrs. Alving's leaving. This hypocrisy forms one of the central conflicts of Continue Reading...

Henrik Ibsen's a Doll's House Research Paper

" Ibsen demanded justice and freedom for every human being and wrote a Doll House to inspire society to individualism and free them from suppression." (http://www.helium.com/items/1121047-henrik-ibsen-dolls-house). In the play, the family exists in Continue Reading...

Doll's House Henrik Ibsen's 1879 Term Paper

"The dramatically active question of the last act is whether the "wonderful thing" will happen or not. The scene in which Nora realizes that it won't is one of the great scenes in modern drama, not only in precipitating the same mordant speeches" (B Continue Reading...

Ibsen and Brecht The Live Theater Has Essay

Ibsen and Brecht The live theater has a way of bringing the audience into the play like no other medium. Watching the actors on stage, the audience members all become voyeurs, who witness the secrets of lives behind closed doors. This is a wonderful Continue Reading...

Ibsen In Act I of Henrik's A Essay

Ibsen In Act I of Henrik's A Doll's House, the widow Mrs. Linde comes to see Nora and during their conversations patronizes and belittles her just as Torvald does. Mrs. Linde states, obnoxiously, "you know so little of the burdens and troubles of li Continue Reading...

Ibsen Henrik Ibsen Henrik Ibsen is Now Essay

Ibsen Henrik Ibsen Henrik Ibsen is now recognized as the "Father of Realism" and led the European Modernist movement. He was a poet and a playwright who grew up in Norway. During his adolescence his father went through a difficult period in which h Continue Reading...

Dolls House DOLL'S HOUSE Henrik Term Paper

He feels that Nora's freedom is not a reality since she couldn't possibly just leave her house and establish her own identity without money. "Nora needs money -- to put it more elegantly, it is economics which matters in the end. Freedom is certainl Continue Reading...

Feminism and A Doll's House Research Paper

Feminism and "A Doll's House" In the globe, feminism is a common practice in the social customs of both developed and developing nations. This is because, in both cases, there has been an apparent similar portrayal of women, who have gone through va Continue Reading...

Doll's House While Ibsen May Term Paper

113). Through all these events, Torvald demonstrates that he does not see Nora clearly. He is blind to her strengths and exaggerates her weaknesses, and sees her only as someone to entertain and enhance his image in the eyes of others. HOW NORA RE Continue Reading...

Women of Ibsen and Strindberg: Term Paper

Because of society, Nora becomes a wife and mother without giving it much though. She did what she was supposed to do. When Torvald calls Nora "hypocrite, a liar . . . A criminal" (Ibsen 190), he is overstepping his bounds, even as a husband. The wo Continue Reading...

Doll's House The Story of Term Paper

The play implies that social conventions can mask the truth by forcing people to take on false appearances, and pretend to believe they are true. The most upstanding characters in the play are Krogstad and Mrs. Linde. Mrs. Linde is not respectable Continue Reading...

Doll's House: Symbols And Themes Term Paper

Given that Nora's school friend Cristina's intervention, however unintentionally, lays the seeds the financial if not the emotional destruction of Nora's happy home, it might be best to not read the central theme of "A Doll's House" as the simple n Continue Reading...

Doll's House An Analysis of Essay

The people elected Andrew Jackson President of the United States even though he had married a divorced woman. Nonetheless…men and women had specific marital responsibilities and lived with considerable restraint on their behavior, always subje Continue Reading...

Doll's House Term Paper

Doll House Noted Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen composed his resound opus, "A Doll's House." Ibsen's "A Doll's House" is a dense and intriguing work that continues to vigorously engage readers and audiences after more than a century after his co Continue Reading...

Gilman and Henrik Ibsen Women Term Paper

Finding no recourse or way to express her true feelings and thoughts, the Narrator began reflecting on her oppression through the yellow wallpaper patterns on the walls of her room: "The front pattern does move -- and no wonder! The woman behind sh Continue Reading...

Doll's House is a Three-act Essay

Linde: Come, come- Nora: - that I have gone through nothing in this world of cares. Mrs. Linde: But my dear Nora, you have just told me all your troubles. Nora: Pooh! -- those were trifles (lowering her voice) I have not told you the important th Continue Reading...