997 Search Results for Impact of ACA From Organizational and Patients

Affordable Care Act is Being Term Paper

Critics of the ACA highlight several concerns, however, with the way that the law affects their businesses. For the 10,000 or so employers over 50 people who do not offer insurance, the cost per worker increases immediately. For companies just unde Continue Reading...

Affordable Care Act Essay

Affordable Care Act (ACA) • Differentiate between at least three groups of stakeholders impacted by the ACA. Obamacare or the ACA (Affordable Care Act) was primarily designed and put into effect in the year 2010 with an objective of offering bet Continue Reading...

ACA Impact on States Essay

Health Care Reforms Healthcare reform has been a national issue for some time and the ability to afford citizens the opportunity to adequate healthcare services is an interesting debate with many ideas and arguments both for and against the practic Continue Reading...

Affordable Care Act Term Paper

Affordable Care Act Legal Studies 101 Commerce Clause and the Affordable Care Act The Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 was signed into law on March 23, 2010 and a number of provisions have already gone into effect and still others are scheduled t Continue Reading...

Affordable Care Act ACA Research Paper

Affordable Care Act (ACA) On March 2010, the U.S. Congress passed the Patient Affordable Care Act (ACA), a portion of legislation intended to redesign the nation's healthcare framework and amplify health protection to a huge number of uninsured Amer Continue Reading...

Affordable Care Act Capstone Project

The Affordable Care Act means that health coverage will be required for almost every American and will be partially subsidized. However, it will not change the employer-centric, private-insurer-based system of financing and coverage. Demand for care Continue Reading...

Affordable Care Act Essay

Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a new health insurance reform associated with direct advantages besides the minimal drawbacks. One advantage of this reform relates to health care intensity and quality. As a result, the cost of health care services diffe Continue Reading...

ACA Assisted Suicide Essay

Laws and Health Care The health care industry has undergone massive overhaul in recent times and the impact of the laws and regulations that accompany this change have deep and resounding effects on the way professionals approach their industry. The Continue Reading...

Obamacare Affordable Care Act Essay

1. Name two advantages and two disadvantages of the Affordable Care Act (the Obama healthcare plan). Obamacare has ensured federal fund allocation to all states for the purpose of Medicaid expansion. Outcomes reveal that this expansion, accompanied b Continue Reading...

Health Care ACA Term Paper

ACA The Affordable Care Act works on the premise that all Americans should have access to health care insurance. Because this is provided through insurance companies, the system is only enforceable under certain conditions. One of the key tenets of Continue Reading...

Patient Protection Affordable Care Act Essay

PPACA Two provisions in the PPACA (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) that impact my current nursing practice are 1) the call for increased access to care and 2) the call for more preventive care. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) in its Futur Continue Reading...

Affordable Care Act in Maryland Essay

Health Policy Analysis The author of this report has been asked to cover two major subjects over the course of four pages. The first half of the paper will pertain to a health policy topic of the author's choosing. The author will use a health polic Continue Reading...

Affordable Health Care Act Thesis

Affordable Health Care Act Impact of the affordable health care act The affordable health care act, commonly referred to as Obamacare, brought a set of health care reforms aimed at making health consumers to be responsible for their health care. Th Continue Reading...

Affordable Care Essay

Affordable Care Act signed law President Barack Obama March 2010. Many provisions law directly affect Several different important elements exist as part of the Affordable Care Act, specifically as it pertains to community and public health. One of t Continue Reading...

Health-Care-and-Health Research Paper

Affordable Care Act decreased the number of Americans without health insurance by the millions, which was its primary objective. It used three different mechanisms to achieve this goal -- the expansion of Medicaid, the insurance exchanges, and the ex Continue Reading...

IRS Off Your Health Care Act of Essay

IRS Off your Health Care Act of 2013 - [H.R.2009] KEEP THE IRS OFF YOUR HEALTH CARE ACT OF 2013-1 KEEP THE IRS OFF YOUR HEALTH CARE ACT OF 2013-2 It has been two months since they have introduced H.R. 2009, the Keep the IRS Off Your Health Care A Continue Reading...


Patient safety is a very important element with the overall healthcare system. Regulations and new initiatives set forth by the Affordable Care Act have created much elevated culture of safety. As a result, facilities must now alter the manner in whi Continue Reading...