1000 Search Results for Labor Standards for Government Contracts

Fair Labor Standards Act Term Paper

Human Resources: Fair Labor Standards Act An Examination of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 and Its Implications for American Workers Today Although most Americans take for granted the wide range of social programs that are in place for their Continue Reading...

Labor Union Acts The Rights Term Paper

This was certainly needed as technology has also evolved from time to time and the nature of labor that was being used in the 1920s or so is not the same as is the nature today. This is certainly commendable. Along with the changes in laws, the emph Continue Reading...

Labor Discrimination - Equal Pay Thesis

Goodyear which effectively denied employees the right to sue for wage discrimination after the passing of 180 days that "Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg was so incensed she read her scathing dissent aloud from the bench. She defended Lilly Ledbetter's r Continue Reading...

Labor and Union Studies Define Thesis

All of the employees on an airplane, for example, could form themselves into a vertical bargaining unit if they chose, the unit including stewards and stewardesses, as well as pilots. Similarly, in a school, teachers, janitors, and office staff coul Continue Reading...

Contracting Out Versus Contracting In Essay

What are some reasons for and against contracting out? Additionally, what are reasonable items to contract out? Contracting out is often justified according to the principle of economic specialization. In other words, it is best if a particular organ Continue Reading...

Government Why Did the Framers Essay

Republicans construed Obama as suggesting government bailouts for new industries, or at the slightest a more lively federal government function in generating or supporting jobs -- concepts abominations to a lot of conservatives. The Obama campaign Continue Reading...

Labor Relations Labor Relataions Labor Essay

Unions give security of jobs and prevent a worker from being sacked without a good reason. It teaches the workers of their rights and prevents them from being oppressed by their workers. Unions provide improved working conditions for the workers. If Continue Reading...

Labor Unions The Business Cycle Term Paper

Furthermore these employers normally operate in third-world countries, where the cheapest possible labor is available as a result of the high demand for employment. These employers normally thrive in the import/export industry, where very high profi Continue Reading...

Labor Issues Around the World Term Paper

Many Chinese workers, including children, are forced to work in poor conditions (Ka Wai, 2004). Many workers are working in the town ship and village factories. According to a government report in 1984, the majority of township and village enterpri Continue Reading...

Labor & Union Studies Discharge Essay

In refusing to bargain or negotiate with Mr. Bolton, attorney for Mr. Allen, the Postal Service was upholding its contract with the Union to consider the Union the sole bargaining agent for Mr. Allen and other rural mail carriers. The Union's claim Continue Reading...

Labor Relations Lot of U.S. Term Paper

" The status of the union is not uncalled-for. Making the remuneration impasse worse, strategies fostered by unions have attempted to keep going the idea that "a teacher is a teacher." (Koppich, 2005) Remuneration packets have been futile to apprecia Continue Reading...

Labor Laws Brief Introduction on Term Paper

Individuals are in fear in regards to their own personal finances. Unemployment is high, individuals are saving more, and the future is very unlikely in regards to economic prosperity. This is in turn beyond the control of the current legislation an Continue Reading...

Double Standard That the United Term Paper

If American companies are setting examples the local companies will soon have to follow suit or face angry employees. The second way it will benefit the world is by maintaining a fair competition in the market for other companies. Going overseas fo Continue Reading...

Evolution of Labor Unions SOLIDARITY Essay

An increase in employee-management teamwork and communication likewise reduced the need for labor union representation. Labor unions, thus, no longer play the critical role they once did in labor-management relations (Encyclopedia of Small Business, Continue Reading...

Nike and Child Labor Thesis

The Secretary of Labor shall provide by regulation or by order that the employment of employees between the ages of fourteen and sixteen years in occupations other than manufacturing and mining shall not be deemed to constitute oppressive child labo Continue Reading...

IKEA Child Labor Synopsis of Case Study

Terminating the contract completely would further jeopardize the exploited workforce by eliminating payment for work they have already done and force greater hardship upon them. The second alternative would ultimately respond only to the needs of th Continue Reading...

Labor and Employment Law Case Study

decision will need to be made about the future of each one. Each decision will be supported with an analysis of the situation using the relevant legal framework. In general, companies are allowed to terminate employees if the termination is part of Continue Reading...

Collective Bargaining Term Paper

Labor Relations & Globalization Argue for or against the use of the "school voucher program." Which do you believe is right? Explain your answer. Both the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) identi Continue Reading...