20 Search Results for Lateral Violence in Nursing

Lateral Violence in Nursing Essay

Analysis of EBP Findings The findings of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) regarding lateral violence unequivocally denote that it is noxious throughout the nursing profession. Moreover, the harm caused by this phenomenon is destructive on myriad levels Continue Reading...

Lateral Violence Essay

Definition of Lateral Violence There isn't a universally common definition for lateral violence. In fact, the same vice is also variously referred to as horizontal violence, bullying, work place violence and nursing incivility. According to the Continue Reading...

Violence and Aggression It is Essay

Intimidating communication is definitely present within my work place. Student nurses and new staff have often been the victims of bullying that is coming from actual nursing and facility staff that have been on location for long periods of time. Su Continue Reading...

Nursing Incivility in Workplace Essay

Introduction Incivility is a problem in many nursing workplaces around the world and it is a problem because people from time to time forget what it is they are there to do. The nurse is there to serve the patient and to support other nurses in their Continue Reading...

Workplace Violence Essay

Workplace violence in the nursing field makes it difficult if not impossible for a nurse to do their job. Whether the bullying is lateral or vertical, the results are consistently the same: decreased self-confidence, fear, and work-related stress. Al Continue Reading...

Work-Environment-and-Nurses Essay

Workplace Issues/Disaster Management -- Journal Review Nursing profession faces pervasive horizontal violence and there is even a saying "nurses eat their young." Nurses should take efforts to bring a change in their existing professional culture. T Continue Reading...