155 Search Results for Lifespan Development Theory Personal Theory

George Kelly's Theory is a Essay

("Kelly Psychology of Personal Constructs," 2005) Social Cognitive theories are a primary focus in today's clinical world. The person is seen as a proactive vs. reactive organizer of his or her life. Utilizing the main concepts of this theory expla Continue Reading...

Human Development and the Family Term Paper

family functional and productive vs. dysfunctional and psychologically disruptive? Researchers in the fields of life span and family development have found a number of factors that can enhance the stability of the family and, therefore the secure an Continue Reading...

Nursing Theory Nursing is a Term Paper

A person's health is an ever-changing state of being resulting from the interaction with the environment. Optimum health is the actualization of both innate and obtained human potential gained through rewarding relationships with others, obtaining Continue Reading...

Ethical Theories in Nursing Essay

Nursing Ethical Theories Ethical Theories in Nursing Significance of Moral in Nursing Deontology vs. Utilitarianism Deontology Utilitarianism Justice Ethics vs. Care Ethics Justice Ethics Care Ethics Rights Ethics Conflict of Rights Ethica Continue Reading...

Choice Theory and Human Behavior Essay

Mottern (2008) writes that Dr. William Glasser's internal control approach labeled as 'Choice Theory' postulates that the following five fundamental needs drive all of human behavior -- a physiological need to survive and 4 psychological Continue Reading...

Human Development Term Paper

Human Development: Hypothetical Case Study of Angela Wu Angela Wu, age sixteen, was referred to the guidance department of the high school after several of her teachers noted that she had seemed unusually "stressed out, even for Angela," after mid-t Continue Reading...