87 Search Results for Luke Jesus and the City

Luke, Jesus, And the City Term Paper

On the whole, it can be said that the first verses of Chapter 9 (Luke, 9: 1-6) are a summary of the main ideas of the entire Gospel of Luke. Even more, it makes the connection to other passages from the Gospel while at the same time explains in a m Continue Reading...

Jesus God the Son Verse Term Paper

The Jews insisted on their law against blasphemy: We have a law, and according to our law, He ought to die, because He made Himself the Son of God (John 19:6-7)" The apostle and evangelist John concludes his gospel with: But these are written th Continue Reading...

Jesus & Mohammed The Lives Term Paper

" Relgious leaders worried about loss of power and income ("Biography of Mohammed," 2005). This is an interesting parallel to Jesus' life, because Jesus also worried the religious leaders of his time for similar reasons (Wikipedia, 2000). Mohammed an Continue Reading...

Jesus, Jew or Christian The Term Paper

His followers claimed He had risen as He said He would, bodily appeared to them and then bodily ascended into Heaven, as Elijah prophesied. This experience emboldened them to come out of hiding and they gathered at the upper room of the Cenacle on t Continue Reading...

Jesus The Four Gospel Books in the Essay

Jesus The four gospel books in the New Testament are the principal foundation of the information regarding the life of Jesus. These books include Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The four books tell the story of the life of Jesus, but from different p Continue Reading...

Jesus, Was He a Revolutionary? Essay

Oscar Cullmann, Nolan, and Genezio Boff. Oscar Cullmann can be described as a Christian theologian within the Lutheran tradition. His most notable work involved the ecumenical movement. He was in part accountable for the formation of dialogue betwee Continue Reading...

How Jesus Feed 5000 People Term Paper

Jesus Feed 5000 people Seven astounding signs are there in the Gospel of John. The first one is the process of evolving water into sweet wine. Second is the instance of curing the son of royal. Third is the instance of curing of an invalid man, suf Continue Reading...

Mark and Luke Compare Contrast Term Paper

In fact looking further the contrast between the two on the expression of the connection between Jesus and his mother is quite different as in Mark an interchange is spoken by Jesus through the following passage, where in a sense her forsakes her an Continue Reading...

Parable of the Good Samaritan Term Paper

Another important characteristic of the passersby is that the first two include high ranking members of the Jewish community. If the person lying by the side of the road were beaten and were truly dead, the Pharisee and the Levite would have been f Continue Reading...

The Two Resurrections of Widow S Sons Essay

Jesus Christ performed various miracles throughout his adult life. Some of which involved resurrecting the dead or healing the sick. In the Gospel of Luke lies the recurring theme of resurrection of sons of widows. Here the reader sees the power of G Continue Reading...

Lukan Ideas Essay

Luke/Acts The book of Luke is largely regarded as one of the synoptic gospels that provide a different account of the ministry of Jesus Christ. The author of the book not only provides a different account of the events and life of Jesus Christ but a Continue Reading...

Gospels The Bible is Probably Term Paper

Much literary criticism assumes that the gospels are not necessarily historical or else it plays down theological or religious context. However, these assumptions are not inherent in the method; a well-crafted piece of historical writing also promot Continue Reading...

Saul of Tarsus Embarked on Essay

It was more important for Saul to be baptized than to eat and therefore, spirituality is more important that even physical life. Next, the Book of Acts stated "He stayed some time with the disciples in Damascus. Without delay he proclaimed Jesus pu Continue Reading...

Women in the Time of Essay

4. Ben Sira was indeed misogynistic, stating things to the effect of: "I would rather dwell with a lion and a dragon than dwell with an evil wife. [17] the wickedness of a wife changes her appearance, and darkens her face like that of a bear. [18] Continue Reading...

John 5:13-21 Passage -- John Research Paper

Gnostics believed that they belonged to the "true church" of an elect few who were worthy; the orthodox Christians would not be saved because they were blind to the truth. Part E -- Content - if we then combine the historical outline of the "reason Continue Reading...

Messiah in Old Testament The Term Paper

In Genesis 3:15, God said, "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will bruise your head, and you will bruise his heel." According to some biblical experts, this is an oblique reference to the c Continue Reading...

Holy Spirit in the Book Term Paper

The reader is told that a leader is chosen who is "fully of the Spirit and wisdom" and "full of faith" (Acts 6:3,5). The first book of Acts shows the disciples looking at external qualities for a good leader and are thus unable to come to a decision Continue Reading...

Faith and Science Today Essay

Anatomy/Christianity The Breath of Life Throughout scripture the concept of breath represents life. Genesis 2:7 It is evident that we need to breathe to live and that without our respiratory system, we would die. But why is this? Can we know why o Continue Reading...

Paul's Thorn in the Flesh Research Paper

Paul's Thorn In The Flesh Studying the Bible, it becomes apparent that Jesus handpicked a number of his disciples to continue to spread his message after Jesus ascended to heaven. In addition to the men who followed Jesus before his death and resurr Continue Reading...

Book Of John In the Essay

In the article, "Unlocking the Power of John's Gospel," Ray Bystrom (2004) declares "John's Gospel is like a river in which a lamb may bathe and an elephant swim -- both shallow and deep at the same time. The new convert and the mature disciple will Continue Reading...

Catholic Church Mean by the Term Paper

Jesus of history, is the reflection of the social importance of Jesus in religious pretext, Jesus was famous in his region because he attempted to modify and improve the social and ethical setup of the society. Christ of Faith is the same Jesus, bu Continue Reading...

Nature and Human Term Paper

landscape studies pioneer, John Brinckerhoff Jackson, studied the contemporary landscape - common, everyday places where we live, work and play - for the clues it provides to American culture. In 1964, the American Congress passed the Wilderness Ac Continue Reading...

Islam and Christianity Term Paper

belief systems of Christians and Muslim, particularly in how they view angels. Both religions believe angels exist, and that they are an important part of their religious beliefs. They both believe angels can guide and support people here on Earth, Continue Reading...