11 Search Results for Mccarthy Blacklists the Influence of

Atomic Bomb in U.S. History. Term Paper

However, the dangers of nuclear explosions were not fully understood, and Miss Atomic Bomb represents the epitome of nuclear testing in the Nevada desert, when bombs were tested above ground and hundreds would flock to Las Vegas to watch for the exp Continue Reading...

Seeds of the Cold War Research Paper

Strangely, America's role as policeman in Europe actually led to its becoming involved in military conflicts in Southeast Asia. Although the U.S. did not fight the Soviet Union directly in Korea or Vietnam, both conflicts were due to the U.S.'s poli Continue Reading...

Cold War 1950s 1960s American Dream Essay

Discussion 1 1. Events of the 1950’s strongly influenced the lives of those living in the early 1960s. In fact, many of the events that took place in the 1950s reverberated throughout and beyond the 20th century and continue to impact American Continue Reading...

Balance Between Emergency Powers Essay

Balance between Emergency Powers, Abuse of Law by the State and Civil Liberties of People within and Beyond the U.S. Within the United States of America especially after the terrorists' attack of 9/11, there seems to be a delicate balance between em Continue Reading...