18 Search Results for Native Americans Dakota and Lakota People the

Native-Americans-and-Dance Research Paper

Wounded Knee Massacre really caused by the Ghost Dance Religion? The Massacre termed as the Wounded Knee happened in 1890 was referred to have taken place by the army of the U.S. It was a terrific event that was really challenged by the American co Continue Reading...

Juvenile Justice and Native American Essay

" ( ) Subsidized guardianship programs exist in 38 states although in different forms, through different funding and with varying requirements for eligibility. Reasons for support of this program are such as: (1) this maintains the family bonds; hono Continue Reading...

American Civil War Sioux Indians Term Paper

American Civil War/Sioux Indians Cowboys and Indians in Hollywood: The Treatment of Quotidian Life of the Sioux People in Dances With Wolves The old Hollywood Westerns that depicted the heroic cowboy and the evil Indian have past; they no longer Continue Reading...

Crazy Horse and the Western Hero Term Paper

Crazy Horse and the Western Hero Crazy Horse, believed born sometime in 1838, was a respected member of the Oglala Sioux Native American tribe and is noted for his courage in battle. He was recognized among his own people as a visionary leader commi Continue Reading...

Ghost Dance Religion and the Term Paper

And farther west on the Great Plains were the Teton Sioux, among them the Oglalas, whose chief was Red Cloud, and among the Hunkpapas, was Sitting Bull, who together with Crazy Horse of the Oglalas, would make history in 1876 at Little Big Horn (Bro Continue Reading...

United States V. Leonard Peltier Term Paper

Leonard Pielter Global news provides Americans with a ringside seat to political prisoner issues across the world. Americans hear about people who are taken as prisoners, charged with a crime, but the general consensus remains that they are actually Continue Reading...

Leonard Peltier - Serving Two Term Paper

By then I'll be ninety-seven. I don't think I'll make it. My life is an extended agony. I feel like I've lived a hundred lifetimes in prison already. But I'm prepared to live thousands more on behalf of my people. If my imprisonment does nothing tha Continue Reading...

Ponca Indians The History of Term Paper

The precariousness of their relationship with the Dakota was evidenced in 1843, when "the Omaha and the Ponca were considering a union, 'to live together as one people' [….] no doubt as a defensive strategy against the Dakota" (Wishart 1994, 8 Continue Reading...

Dull Knifes of Pine Ridge Term Paper

Dull Knifes of Pine Ridge The Historical Events In 1877, Custer's defeat had heated up military determination to put an end to what was vaguely known as "the Indian problem." Military reinforcements poured into the Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming ter Continue Reading...

Black Elk's Religion Member of Term Paper

Then they began dancing, wheeling from one quadrant of the sacred circle to the next, drawing everyone into the circle until all were within the center (Wink 2000). A stick was planted in the earth that would flower as a sign of life and hope for th Continue Reading...

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee Dee Term Paper

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee Dee Brown's "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee" is a fully documented account of the genocide and displacement by the United States government and military of an entire race of people, human beings, natives of the land that Continue Reading...