488 Search Results for Power in a Totalitarian State

Totalitarian Governments Term Paper

It is necessary to control the workers and make them dependent on the government. The policy also makes it possible for the government to direct all its resources on a single project -- typically the major "goal" of a regime such as war. Complete g Continue Reading...

Utopia: A Discussion on Utopia Term Paper

F. "A.F" stands for the absolute god of this new world, Ford, an obvious allusion to Henry Ford one of the greatest and most successful manufacturers in history. The main slogan of this world is however different from that of Nineteen Eighty-Four: "C Continue Reading...

Big Brother Among Us? George Research Paper

Everyone is under suspicion, according to the eye of the camera. Everyone is treated as if they are a likely criminal. This has a negative psychological affect on the general population who are not criminals. For those who are not criminals, they f Continue Reading...

Totalitarian Architecture Research Paper

Fear of the Return of Totalitarian Architecture Due to Technological Advancements This paper examines some of the different aspects of the coming worldwide technological totalitarianism and the expanding of it influence. The argument that this is bo Continue Reading...

Politics Some Say That World Essay

Ryan Dawson (2011) helps illustrate the way ideology shapes foreign policy by digging into Project for a New American Century files and showing how the PNAC reports are basically a lobbying tool for Israel. Dawson refers viewers of his documentary Continue Reading...

Hannah Arendt, Jews, And Politics Essay

The economy of the totalitarian state must be effectively directed with only so much control that the system can be directed effectively; it must obtain growth and combat economic problems to the best of its ability so as to ensure political, socia Continue Reading...

Resembles Soviet Union Essay

Comparison of Totalitarianism and the United States GovernmentIntroductionTotalitarianism is a form of government that stands in stark contrast to the democratic principles upon which the United States was founded. This paper will delve into the fund Continue Reading...

What Do State Do? Essay

Max Weber defined state as "a human community that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory whether that legitimacy derives from charisma, tradition, or law" (Hokim 2012). Weber held that do Continue Reading...

Cultures Can Teach Us About Essay

For example, the sexual revolution in Iran was part of a larger cultural movement that encouraged the challenge of a large number of social changes. "This social movement encompasses behaviours such as pushing the envelope on Islamic dress, sexual b Continue Reading...

Saddam Hussein & His Totalitarian Essay

In the words of BBC Middle East analyst Gerald Butt (2001), "…his (Saddam's) opponents have not been able to nominate anyone else who might hold Iraq together -- with its Kurds in the north, Sunni Muslims in the centre [sic], and Shi'a in the Continue Reading...

Nazi State In the 1960s and 1970s, Essay

Nazi State In the 1960s and 1970s, New Left historians in the Federal Republic of Germany reexamined the Third Reich in ways that created major controversies, especially because they found continuity between the Nazi era and attitudes and institutio Continue Reading...

Democracy We Live in a Term Paper

With this approach in mind, it is impossible to consider a viable implementation of Western democracy in the conditions in which there are few, if any, common points to relate moral values and norms to. Despite this current inability of Western cou Continue Reading...

Best and Worst in Post-1877 US History Essay

U.S. History 1877-Present America has changed so vastly since the U.S. Civil War that it is hard to single out three events that have had the most beneficial impact from the later nineteenth century to the present day. However, in terms of selecting Continue Reading...

Imperialism in East Asia A Essay

960). Just as American Imperialists exerted violent pressure to keep control of the islands they wished to inhabit, exploit and control for their own self-interest, the Japanese Imperialists exercised an equal and "undeniable harshness" in its reign Continue Reading...

State of Nature General Will Term Paper

Nature.... General Will The ideas to create just and liberal society go all the way back to ancient times. The first examples of civil society were proposed by Plato and Aristotle, who saw the ideal state to be a republic ruled by the wise men and Continue Reading...

Fascism and the Nazi System Essay

Fascist Italy v. Nazi Germany: In the early 19th Century, Italy and Germany were characterized with instability, political weaknesses, and global economic crises. Governments in these countries seemed incapable of handling the troublesome situations Continue Reading...

Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Book Report

Corporate cultures no longer sustain an autocratic, hierarchical design that distances workers from the spirit of their creation. Quite the contrary, many modern corporations are run with programs such as profit sharing. Feedback from employees is e Continue Reading...

East Vs. West Germany The Essay

West Germany sustained what many call an "economic miracle" rebuilding after the war. Their social market economy allowed for individuals to be entrepeneurial and yet be socially responsible to the state. With so much rebuilding necessary, but an en Continue Reading...