107 Search Results for Preventable Heart Disease in Young

Young Adults & Heart Disease Term Paper

The Archives of Internal Medicine study confirmed that 30 minutes of walking a day (10-12 miles a week) "can prevent weight gain in most people who are now inactive. Other studies have shown that working up to 10,000 steps or more could reduce the Continue Reading...

Heart Disease Has Long Been Term Paper

According to the article, diet and exercise proved to be effect in study participants in Amsterdam (Hitti 2005). The study was conducted with 360 participants ages 13-36, researchers wanted to see which subjects contracted metabolic syndrome (Hitti Continue Reading...

Heart Disease According to the Thesis

For example, some prescription drugs have been shown to increase risk for heart disease (Fries, nd). In particular, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which are commonly prescribed for relieving the pain associated with arthritis, have Continue Reading...

Health Planning Heart Disease Today Essay

It provides a list of foods that can promote heart disease, and of those that can protect the individual against it. Research has suggested that a small intake of alcohol can also play a role in reducing the risk of heart disease. Maslen (2010) eve Continue Reading...

Stroke Prevention Prevalence in U.S. Thesis

The most common cause is blockage of an artery, usually by a piece of atherosclerotic plaque in one of the brain's main arteries that ahs broken off and gotten stuck "downstream." TIA are also caused by blood clots that originate in the heart, trave Continue Reading...

Population Assessment Term Paper

Hispanic-American Population Assessment POCKETS OF MISERY The Hispanic-Americans of Santa Ana, California are the population to be assessed. National Demographics The total U.S. population is 312 million, according to the latest U.S. Census Burea Continue Reading...

Health Promotion Term Paper

Health Promotion: American HIV Prevention in an Era of False Security - an Investigative Study AIDS is one of the most dangerous diseases to affect humankind. AIDS awareness is best-funded and best-taught in the United States of America. This reali Continue Reading...

Nursing Community Assessment Research Paper

Nursing Community Assessment It is moral responsibility of the Government and the nursing organizations to maintain the health standard in any country. However, it is not wholly in the hands of these organizations but other departments must also con Continue Reading...

Nutrition Diabetes Affects About 23 Thesis

Hypoglycemia is a condition of low blood sugar, caused by the body's inappropriate metabolism of glucose and insulin. Diabetics who experience temporary hypoglycemia can remedy the problem by ingesting some simple sugars to immediately reintroduce g Continue Reading...

Obesity in America Term Paper

Obesity in the United States The extent of the Problem Obesity as one commentator says, is not just a "matter of aesthetics" but has become a major public health problem in the United States. Similarly, Federal health officials have categorically s Continue Reading...

Growing Aging Population Research Paper

This means that society as a whole needs to consider both aspects of the problem. It would be wrong to simply consider problems associated with an aging population in the context of a young population that experiences little to no change. The number Continue Reading...

Suicide Tendencies MIND AND BODY Essay

Homelessness remains a problem in San Francisco because of the lack of affordable housing, incomes below subsistence levels, and behavioral, mental and physical problems (SFDPH). Racial disparities are another social determinant of health (SFDPH, 2 Continue Reading...

Smoking Cessation Program Essay

Program Evaluation Part II A WEB-BASED PROGRAM MODEL Needs Assessment for a Smoking Cessation Program Needs Assessment Program planning and evaluation must be preceded and interrelate with assessment strategies (Marrs & Helge, 2014). This suc Continue Reading...

Military Readiness The Issue of Term Paper

In addition, the Marines have a much smaller force than the army. On the other hand, the army cannot be as selective as the marines because it needs to maintain a much higher number of troops. The article explains that the army "needs 80,000 new so Continue Reading...

Women and Health Agenda Over the Last Essay

Women and Health Agenda Over the Last 20 Years This review is about women's health demands and their contribution in creating a healthy society. For many decades, World Health Organization (WHO) has had tremendous measures that concern women's healt Continue Reading...