126 Search Results for School Shootings and Bullying

School Shootings Bullying Research Paper

School Shootings: How to solve Bullying and Violence within Schools School shootings have become something of an epidemic in modern day America. Like the flu, they seem to arrive every season, every year, sometimes appearing in deadlier strains than Continue Reading...

School Violence in Schools Has Term Paper

It appears that the combination of bullying, treatment as an outcast and a propensity or obsession with violent images resulted in school violence. In addition to such factors and social hierarchy and bullying, mental illness is often one of the is Continue Reading...

Violence - School Shootings IS Term Paper

As a result, both handguns and long guns are available in many states, with more than half of American households owning one or more firearms. This perpetual access to deadly weapons is the primary reason that completely eliminating school shooting Continue Reading...

School Safety and Security Plans Term Paper

"It was tested on almost 600 kids in a desegregated Indianapolis middle school where there are a lot of aggressive kids," Bosworth says. "Those who used the computer were more aware of their own coping strategies and violence presentation. They also Continue Reading...

Bullying in Their Lives. It Can Lead Essay

bullying in their lives. It can lead to instances of suicide or just a difficult time all around. Bullying can be complex topic to understand because people who bully are often bullied themselves or get abused and mistreated at home. Bullying is not Continue Reading...

Classroom Bullying Term Paper

Bullying The incidents of April 20, 1999 from Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado put bullying into a new perspective. Two students, Dylan Klebold and Ryan Harris, who were, for all intents, intelligent and well adjusted went on a killing s Continue Reading...

Anti-Bullying Bill in Texas Essay

Texas House Bill (HB304) - Relating civil liability bullying a child 1. Title of the Suggested Bill Texas State’s ‘anti-bullying’ house bill possesses the following key features. Its title appropriately alludes to the protection o Continue Reading...

Cyber Bullying Research Paper

Cyberbullying The effects of the recent trend known as cyberbullying was investigated. Current literature was examined on the subject in order to establish a general basis of the various potentialities of this harmful activity. Upon synthesizing a w Continue Reading...