9 Search Results for William Gibson's Neuromancer on Technology and Humans

Metaphors or Concepts of Cyberculture Essay

Moreover, the arena for that very transformation could, because of the inherent nature of technological advancement, achieve something that is beyond the sum of its parts. Cyberspace in Neuromancer becomes more than an expression of human consciousn Continue Reading...

Mind and Body Term Paper

Mind and Body -- I Sing the Body Electronic, I Interfere with the Body Extraterrestrial Change the body, and change the nature of human existence. Change the body's means of sustenance, and change the delicate balance that exists within a particular Continue Reading...

Science Fiction Novels Essay

Utopias Explored: THE TIME MACHINE and BLADE RUNNER Science Fiction and Film Utopian Societies Explored The Ancient Greek work for "no place," utopia has come down to modern readers as something to be the ideal -- the Eden. The actual word comes f Continue Reading...