999 Search Results for Woman on the Edge of Time

Woman on the Edge of Time Term Paper

Women Science Fiction Writers as Probing Pathfinders Author Marge Piercy's Woman on the Edge of Time was written in 1976, and it has received critical acclaim for the science fiction future it depicts, but it was likely given literary wings by a biz Continue Reading...

Women in Douglass Still Bound Term Paper

I have frequently felt her head, and found it nearly covered over with festering sores, caused by the lash of her cruel mistress. I do not know that her master ever whipped her, but I have often been an eye witness of the revolting and brutal inflic Continue Reading...

Women in Film Noir Term Paper

Women in Film Noir When artists - painters, sculptors, film directors - create a portrait, they are depicting more than what they see in front of them. They are also painting themselves as well as painting their moment in history. These last two may Continue Reading...

Women and Outsourcing Term Paper

Women in the Major Religions The role of women in organized religion has been an issue of discussion and debate for many years. It gained significant attention as the "women's rights" movement gathered momentum, and it has been fueled further by rec Continue Reading...

Women with HIV Have Reproductive Term Paper

" (International Conference on Population and Development ICPD) (ibid) However the meaning of reproductive right extends into other areas. For example, this includes the right to non-discrimination based on sex/gender and the right to privacy as wel Continue Reading...

Women and Drugs Essay

Female Substance Abusers and Addicts Heroin is a highly addictive substance which is characterized by a rush of biophysiological symptoms such as a rush or feeling of euphoria, heaviness in one's extremities and a certain element of dry mouth (rehab Continue Reading...

Women in Business Essay

Entrepreneurial Titans - Mary Kay Ash and Anita Roddick From time immemorial, entrepreneurship has undeniably been a crucial part of human life. Entrepreneurship entails identifying and starting a business as well as organizing and sourcing the req Continue Reading...

Women of Brewster Place Gloria Term Paper

Brewster Place in these stories thus stands at a point when change is taking place but has not yet been as thorough as it would be later. The African-Americans now living in Brewster Place have largely migrated from the South. Indeed, Mattie Michae Continue Reading...

Science Fiction Is Life Better Term Paper

In Mattapoisett, gender and ethnicity are not issues, there are no gender roles, men and women share all the work, and men are actually about to suckle the young, while women work in the fields and fight wars. Because there are no gender roles, love Continue Reading...

Treatment of Women in Mad Men Essay

Treatment of Women in Mad Men From the 1900s to about 1960, American literature seems to organize around four major concepts about the country: That America is new, that America is big, that America is rich, and that America is free (McDonald). The Continue Reading...

Spartan Women and the Downfall Thesis

In conclusion, based on the available historical evidence concerning ancient Sparta and its culture and the viewpoints of Aristotle, the Spartan women obviously played a major role in the downfall of the Spartan empire; however, like related histor Continue Reading...

Native American Women Term Paper

Desert Indian Woman: Stories and Dreams, by Frances Manuel and Deborah Neff. Specifically, it will discuss and include Frances Manuel's tribal origins, traditions, and culture of this American Indian woman in the past, present, and future, along wit Continue Reading...

Healthy Aging For Some Time, Essay

Leaning does not only imply facts, but continual and fluid evolution of the brain. This is the identical process that the brain takes when improving itself and reducing aging. If the brain continues to receive stimuli and appropriate chemicals for e Continue Reading...

1960's Time Capsule Term Paper

Capsule from the 1960's Peers, colleagues, and supporters: this is one of what will presumably become several reports about this time capsule from the 1960s, nearly four centuries ago. I am honored and deeply intrigued by the items found within thi Continue Reading...

Gender and War From a Essay

Nonetheless, the example is similar. An entire nation of people is in an uprising against a powerful dictator, led by one man, defeats their enemies to get to victory. There are echoes here of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s in the United St Continue Reading...