Second World by Parag Khanna Research Paper

Total Length: 1932 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

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The lack of coverage of Russia just becomes more noticeable when one considers the invasion of Georgia earlier this year. For Russia, their partnerships are more about military domination. The author does not discuss their being a world power in their own right. Second, another shortcoming of this book is the lack of just how China will be able to manage to get out of being just a manufacturing center. Third, the author tries too hard to cover too many countries at times and the points he is trying to make lose focus.

Implications of the Book on International Business

There are major implications for international business from this book. First, there is the challenge to companies operating in each of the three super powers on how to expand into second world nations where other super powers are already competing for resources. An example of this would be an American company trying to get into Venezuela for example. There are also the implications from this book of how much more difficult it will be to compete with the Chinese companies, as they are not facing any regulations at all and freely bribe government officials to get contracts and also to use up resources before other nations can get to them. The competition between the super powers is going to get even more intense as the resources become fewer and fewer.

Personal Assessment and Insights

This book is one of the best ones I've read on globalization and the impact of economics on politics. The most interesting aspect of this book is the fascinating areas of how nations are already quickly moving to make those areas of their own weaknesses stronger. China is doing this very aggressively, as the book illustrations. The EU and their approach to creating more altruistic and philanthropic work is very much like their own approaches to doing business. In many ways the EU's portrayal in this book, which is very positive, also looks a little like a socialist view of how to create partnerships with other countries. Finally the view of the U.S. And its many financial problems right now also shows how important it is for any super power to think more about how to strengthen itself with alliances very early and not wait until it is too late. The U.S. financial crisis is evidence of how much the author of this book was right in saying that second world countries are more important than ever to the worldwide economy growing......

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