Security of Computers Data Essay

Total Length: 729 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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FBI Digital Forensic Services

Requirements for employment as a member of an FBI CART

In order for one to become a member of the FBI CART team they need to have exceptional problem solving and analytical skills, thorough understanding of computers and computer systems and cyber and computer crime investigation. This is because CART offers assistance to the FBI field offices when it comes to the search and seizure of computer evidence. This team is charged with the performance of forensic examinations for all FBI seizures that are related to technology and computers. Therefore, computer forensics is a mandatory requirement for this position. The potential candidate should have a bachelor’s degree in an IT-related field. However, they should have a major in computer forensics. A candidate is required to have good communication skills since they will be required to communicate effectively their findings to other non-technical individuals or officers. Detail-oriented is another skill that is required. This will ensure that the individual is able to maintain the strategic focus while ensuring that nothing is missed as they are performing the forensic investigation. There are numerous information and data that one will uncover in the performance of their duty. Therefore, one is required to be able to maintain objectivity when evaluating information and to also make a sound judgment.

Types of cases in which the RCFL’s focus

The RCFL mainly focuses on providing forensic services and expertise aimed at supporting the law enforcement agencies in the collection and examination of digital evidence.
The cases handled by the RCFL include Child pornography, fraud, terrorism,…

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…Bureau of Investigation (July 2, 2019) when a person called the advertised number, they would be directed to one of the corrupt doctors and there they will be prescribed numerous medical tests that are not necessary. The lawyers would take over and the goal would be the same, bill the worker as much as possible. The medical providers would bill insurance and workers' compensation exorbitant rates, which is how they managed to get money from the victim. The whole idea was for the attorneys to get the largest possible settlement using any means available. Medical billing is what is used to determine the settlement to be given to a victim. The FBI managed to infiltrate the syndicate and learn the criminal activities of the group. This resulted in 32 people pleading guilty and the freezing….....

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