Security Gilgamesh Does Develop Throughout Thesis

Total Length: 348 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

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They are stories based on guilt, because humankind is guilty, and has always been guilty of its actions and reactions, and flood stories indicate that eventually, humankind will have to pay for its wickedness and sins. it's not just a religious view, but a human view, because there is so much violence, hatred, and ugliness in the world, and people want to believe that somehow, the wicked and the hateful will pay for their crimes, eventually.

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I think the lesson is that humans can be very bad, and they recognize it, and understand that sooner or later, they will have to pay for that somehow. In this story, the flood serves another purpose - it gives Gilgamesh the ability to meet the survivor and see what it takes to survive a great catastrophe, knowledge that could serve him well later on......

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