Self-Reflection on the Self the Merriam-Webster Dictionary Term Paper

Total Length: 1026 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Self-Reflection on the Self

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the self as "the evaluation by oneself of one's worth as an individual in distinction from one's interpersonal or social roles." If find this definition to be lacking of any real substance, especially when contemplating the role of the self in the social world. The word social is also important and is defined as "relating to or involving activities in which people spend time talking to each other or doing enjoyable things with each other." The self in the social world therefore represents my own view of the self in relation to my own views of others 'activities.

To me, the self is a divine source of energy that radiates and pulsates throughout everything in nature. There are compelling scientific models that suggest that this mysterious energy is in fact ever present and all powerful. This power radiates within my own incarnation as a human being and supplies me with my conscious and unconsciousness awareness in a unique duality that resonates in paradoxical, yet natural way. The self powers my internal biological operations in ways that cannot be described.

The self is all there really is for me. The self is my guiding light and source of power that drives my desires and my tastes. My self-concept is an idea that reflects how this mysterious power of life reflects in a subjective manner. For me, the self is an internal process that evolves, grows and transcends the outer environment. The outer environment is very necessary however for the development and growth of the self as it provides a reflection of the mental processes and imaginations of the self viewed through the subjective lens of the human being that it has possessed in this body I call myself.

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Self-esteem is the power one may give to the self. This power may be used for whatever purposes the mind chooses to use it for. Bad self-esteem and good self-esteem are subjective ideas that relate to the specific circumstances of the observation. My own self-esteem rises and falls like the temperature throughout the changing of the seasons. Maintaining high self-esteem is recommended when possible as if the self is truly as remarkable as I have described it, more faith should be applied to its mysterious inner workings.

Self-efficacy is another interesting concept that is best understood in the concept of the self being of a divine and mystical power. Efficacy suggests material success through application of mental powers. The self, being omniscient, requires that failure be experienced in order to enjoy and benefit from the rewards of success. Self-sabotage can therefore be a subtle intentioned expression of the self for growth purposes. This can be naturally and empirically proven as our bodies continually replicate the cells that compose the very body and container of the self.

These ideas about the self are predominately based on two social experiences that eventually led to their formation. The first being a near death experience where my life was threatened at gun point at my home. The trauma induced from this experience….....

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