Seniortech Bigkeys Keyboards Arthritis, Reduced Term Paper

Total Length: 885 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Doctors or nurses can pre-load the pillbox if necessary. The alarm ceases after the pillbox is turned upside-down.

An early dose feature is available, and there is an opportunity for seniors to program the device to take multiple medications at different times of day. The pill dispenser locks with a key for convenience and safety. Available on the e-pill Website at:, the Med-Time XL Automatic Pill Dispenser might not be the only such product on the market, but it is one of the most affordable and easy to use.

Posit's InSight Software

WiiFit is a product marketed to the general public that can also be used by seniors to stay fit and healthy. Because many seniors are sedentary and do not get enough exercise, the introduction of fitness technology like Wii into the household can be a boon for overall health and well being. Just as WiiFit can help seniors stay active during their golden years, there are also technologies that are designed specifically so that seniors maintain their brain fitness.

While a plethora of programs can help older adults have fun, few offer brain exercises specifically designed to stave off dementia and diminished cognitive capacity. Introduce InSight, a software suite specifically designed for brain fitness.

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Like WiiFit, InSight is not necessarily limited to older adults as end users.

What makes InSight software spectacular is that it has been evaluated by the Journal of the American Medical Association and have been tested empirically for ther ability to help with perception and cognition. The software is not just about math games. InSight helps speed up visual processing, during a time of life when many older adults are losing their drivers' licenses due to impaired vision. The exercises are designed to improve attention and focus, for seniors who have trouble concentrating or are showing early signs of dementia. Therefore, InSight is especially beneficial for seniors who are otherwise healthy but whose ability to drive and therefore remain independent is compromised. Exercising the brain is a lot like exercising the body: older adults either use it or lose it. The cost of InSight is $395, which is a small price to pay for boosting long-term health, preventing cognitive or perception problems from manifesting, and for avoiding costly medical interventions. InSight is available for purchase online at:

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