Sexes Uses Intersexuality As a Article Review

Total Length: 930 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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The topic of intersexuality naturally raises the issue of whether gender should be rigidly defined or whether gender should rather be viewed on a continuum. Thus, Gorman and Cole work to dispel the prevalent social myth that all individuals must be assigned a clear, unequivocal gender status. Examining the collective phenomena of intersexuality can also help people to contemplate gender roles and social norms in society. For example, Gorman and Cole chose to include a telling quote from Kelli. Although she now primarily cultivates a female identity, she claims that she might elect to be a "male carpenter" because she would be "taken more seriously," (58).

The most important information contained in "Between the Sexes" therefore regards the perception of gender, gender identity, and gender flexibility. This information is far more significant and has more of an impact on readers than the scientific and biological reasons for intersexuality that the authors provide. Nevertheless, Gorman and Cole's decision to include some basic genetic information lends credibility to the article and makes the topic of intersexuality more understandable. The inclusion of scientific reasons for intersexuality also helps readers to view intersexuality as a natural, albeit unusual phenomenon.

Gorman and Cole infer and assume, probably rightly so, that most readers will be relatively unfamiliar with the subject and terminology of intersexuality; the authors also assume that most readers will also possess prejudices toward intersexuals whether conscious or not. As they state on page 59, most persons are "uncomfortable with nonstandard genetalia.

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" Gorman and Cole's piece presents the prospect that embracing more flexible categories and constructs of gender would benefit not only intersexuals like Kelli, Elijah, Julanne, and Sherri, but all persons in our society. The social biases regarding intersexuality and transsexuality therefore provide much of the purpose for writing and publishing "Between the Sexes."

Using several interview subjects, the authors also illustrate how intersexuality affects individual people personally. Therefore, they treat the subject from an intimate perspective and don't just provide a dry overview of the topic. Moreover, portraying four individuals at different stages of life who have all struggled with their gender identities in different ways adds a personal touch to the article, making it a more compelling read than if it were purely expository. Gorman and Cole effectively demonstrate how integral gender is to one's identity and how conflict over gender identity can be a major cause for concern.

The implications of the Time article include broad and far-reaching issues related to sexuality and gender. Readers may be more compassionate and more able to understand the nature of transsexuality after reading this piece. In attempting to dispel myths and prejudices, Gorman and Cole offer a well-written and well-researched piece that addresses controversial and sensitive subject matter.


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