Sharing When I First Discovered File Sharing, Essay

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When I first discovered file sharing, Napster was still around in its original free form. Napster had an excellent graphical user interface and was easy to use. When Napster was shut down, file sharing became gradually more of a chore. Soulseek was the only viable means of sharing music and other files, but the application does not work on Mac operating systems. Since the crack down on file sharing, which is unfortunately supported by the government without much input from recording artists themselves, the software used for file sharing has stagnated and become the greatest deterrent. Sharing files using bit torrents is proof of how annoying the file sharing process has become, thanks to the big media tycoons.

I have seen great ironies when it comes to file sharing. Those who are true audiophiles, who love music and are even musicians themselves, love and support file sharing. Those who have no taste in music, who listen to it as background fodder or for ring tones only, are against file sharing. The former, the audiophiles, are the ones most apt to purchase concert tickets. Concert ticket sales are arguably more lucrative than the sales revenues from albums or individual song rights.

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Moreover, audiophiles would much rather see their favorite bands in person than listen to studio recordings through their inexpensive headphones. According to Tschmuck (2010), "record companies bear almost all of the negative effect [of file sharing], whereas artists rather benefit from it, since royalties are often the smallest amount of their income, whereas "piracy" tends to boost live performances."

File sharing, record sales, and demand for concert tickets are all interrelated in ways that can be a boon to recording artists but which might hurt the bottom line of the media conglomerates (Dewenter, Haucap & Wenzel 2010). The same is true for movies, software, and other media that can be distributed for free using peer-to-peer file sharing software. In my personal experience, artists and musicians are the ones who support file sharing most vigorously. Those who do not support file sharing have never attempted it or have rigid sets of ethics that have no place in an enlightened society. The ethics of file sharing show how ambiguous morals are in general, and many people….....

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