Shaw Communications in Winnipeg, Mb (Canada) Would Essay

Total Length: 540 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Shaw Communications in Winnipeg, MB (Canada) would benefit by having some new knowledge management technologies in place. The place has been praised for its friendly environment, effective employees, and wonderful manager. Top quality personnel are hired and benefits as well as treatment towards employees are admirable.

The problem is that the company has been rated, as lagging behind in awareness of and procuring needed technology. For instance, the company is considering offering cellular phones in 2012. It needed to come out with that production in 2001. Their cable product, too, is overpriced and training on new directives and promotions are often promoted the day before or day of the release which barely gives time for employees to be aware of the situation and digest it and gives customers even less time to become aware of Shaw's ventures (Glassdoor.

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Their shortfalls in KM are also evidenced in their approach to hiring people, which is slow and ineffective (ibid.). Specifically, in today's fast-paced world, where businesses have to be on the keel of things -- knowing what's going out there in the world, be informed about latest technology, and be rapid in discovering and in meeting these customers needs, a business cannot afford not to be current and sophisticated in its KM array.

KM is the management of organizational information sin such a way that it allows a firm to make the best use of information available to it whilst crating new knowledge in the process. This scenario applies as equally to Fortune 500 companies as it does to the small start-up business.

There are two kinds of IM technologies that may….....

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