Shell Shaker: Powerful Women Shell Term Paper

Total Length: 828 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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On this occasion, Shakbatina decided to light the peacemaker's torch once again by resorting to the practice of Shell Shaker. This was she followed in the footsteps of Grandmother and declared: "I am a Shell Shaker. I know when it is my time to return to the earth... I will sacrifice myself, knowing that peace will follow between our two tribes"(p 4).

The story then shifts to modern times where we see Shakbatina and Red Shoes' descendents waging war against each other in Old Durant Oklahoma and the year is 1991. Women of Billy family who were descendents of Red Shoes take on the responsibility of invoking the power of Shell Shaker.

Auda knows the dance. Every spring she shakes shells with other Indian women in Southeastern Oklahoma. Although most women now recycle evaporated milk cans in place of turtle shells, the dance still spiritually reconnects the earth and Indian people during Green Corn time. But this Shell Shaker's song is different, it stirs an older memory coming to life inside her.

In this manner the tradition continues even in modern times and women continue to influence Choctaw destiny by resorting to old practices and ceremonies.

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In these times, women apart from their adherence to old beliefs have also learned other means of attaining power. They are now properly educated for example Auda Billy have a PhD in history and they also professionals in various fields.

Times have changed for Choctaw tribe but there is one thing essentially intact i.e. The power of old beliefs and traditions. And mostly women have kept this power alive by refusing to give up old ceremonies and practices. Shell Shaker can therefore be read as the story of powerful women who managed to influence events thereby creating and shaping history. It is story of sacrifices made by some women to bring peace and prosperity in the lives of other people of their tribe. These women were undoubtedly powerful because they understood the real meaning of serving the community and the nation. Readers unfamiliar with Indian traditions might not like the idea of self-sacrifice, however these women are certainly worthy of a rich tribute as they bartered their lives for peace and tranquility. Women used the Shell Shaker to prove: "that the dead are helping the living"(p 171)......

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