Simulation of Growing Old Research Paper

Total Length: 674 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Gerontology Experiment

Simulation #1 -- Degenerative Arthritis and Macular Degeneration

In this simulation, I placed Band-aids around the middle joints of my fingers and I wore an athletic wrist support on one hand that severely limited my wrist motion. The Band-aids were tight enough to make it almost impossible to bend my fingers except with considerable discomfort. I also placed a smudge of Vaseline in the center of the lenses of clear protective construction goggles to simulate the loss of center vision associated with age-related macular degeneration. The purpose of this set up was to simulate the types of arthritic symptoms in my hands and wrist that elderly people deal with routinely. The plan was to go about my day at home and encounter some of the problems associated with aging.

Immediately, I encountered difficulty doing my normal morning chores. Brushing my teeth took much longer, made a mess of the sink, and I could tell that the brushing was considerably less effective than usual because I could not direct the right amount of pressure where I wanted to. After breakfast, I attempted to floss my teeth and actually had to give up because there was just no way to accomplish it without being able to bend my fingers.
It occurred to me that there are probably numerous secondary effects of arthritic conditions such as poor dental hygiene that are related to the loss of hand function. Frankly, I needed to use the restroom as well but based on my other experiences, I realized that it would be better to just wait until the simulation was over. It occurred to me that individuals who suffer with these types of ailments do not have that option at all. Before the 30 minutes was over, I also dropped a glass accidentally and broke it when the center-blocked goggles caused me to put it down without realizing there was already a spoon on the counter and the glass toppled over and off the counter. Again, I decide to wait until….....

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