Singha/Heineken-thailand Exploring the Impact of Term Paper

Total Length: 1712 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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At any rate, this approach would be highly congruent with Heineken's existing approach to branding given its current repertoire of 170 international brands and strategic partnering with local beer manufacturers. Such a partnership might be the best way for Singha to avoid being acquired outright by Heineken in the future as it continues to juggernaut-like march to global domination of the beer market.

Finally, because it is well established that bright sunlight can harm the taste of beer, it would appear reasonable to conclude that the brown-glassed Singha bottles protect their contents better than the clearer green glass used by Heineken.

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For tropical markets such as Thailand where product can be exposed to the harsh rays of the sun during transport or otherwise, the marketers at Heineken would be well advised to either darken the color of their glass containers or incorporate some ultraviolet protection in their bottles to avoid this degradation of their product in these types of markets......

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