Sir or Madam I Am Writing in Essay

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Sir or Madam

I am writing in response to your request for a comic book writer to develop an original series for immediate publication. I have a substantial amount of experience with writing, and in writing comic books in particular. I graduated near the top of my class with a Bachelor's Degree in creative writing from New York University. I enlisted in the military so that I could study graphic design, and have spent the past three years learning how to perfect details in graphic art -- which has significantly enhanced my propensity for working in the field of comics.

As per your request in your advertisement for writers at MegaCorp, I have provided an overview of my comic book series and an excerpt from the first issue. It is a period time piece which occurs at the beginning of the year 2000. The protagonists are a group of young women who are attending The University in New York City, and who uncover a plot to usurp the authority of national governments across the world.
Their doing so involves them with Macedonian mythology, which gives them a plethora of superpowers that fit various aspects of human nature. The focus is based on reality yet involves crucial elements of fantasy as these young women balance their school careers with newfound superpowers while battling industrialists and politicians seeking to gain control of the earth.

Additionally, it is pertinent that you are aware of the fact that I have already completed eight issues of this series, which can appear as a pair of four-issue graphic novels or as a regular series. I have been working on this particular title for the last three years since I became involved in the military. As such, I am thoroughly familiar with all of the various facets of the characters -- what they look like, where they hail….....

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"Sir Or Madam I Am Writing In", 28 September 2013, Accessed.16 June. 2024,