Slavery Insurrections and Revolutionary Wars Revolutionary Wars Essay

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Slavery Insurrections and Revolutionary Wars

Revolutionary Wars vs. Slavery Insurrection

Uprising is a common thread throughout history. Whenever one group is oppressed by another the inevitable outcome will be a revolution. In fact, the very term revolution is defined as, "a radical and pervasive change in society and the social structure, especially one made suddenly and often accompanied by violence." ( Throughout history there are many examples of various violent overthrows. Among the list the two most prominent that come to mind are revolutionary wars and slavery insurrections.

The American Revolution is a prime example of a radical change that required violence. The American Revolutionary War happened between the years of 1775 and 1783 and marked a new era in governments (Middleton 20). After being ordered and taxed into poverty by England, the colonies determined that the only way of ensuring the nation's success was to overthrow England and break free as its own country. The primary offense that spurned America into a revolution was their lack of voice in England.

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Americans argued that there should not be laws passed that effect the colonies unless there is equal representation of the colonies in Parliament (Wood 83). After a long and brutal war, America gained its independence and formed its own government and Constitution.

The Chinese Revolution is another violent revolution that, instead of bring about greater freedom for its people, it resulted in the enslaving of its people through communism. The Chinese revolution began in April of 1927 (Gay 7). This conflict was fought between the Republic of China and the Communist Party of China. The end result stripped freedom away from the Chinese people and enslaved them to a new government that forced poverty upon all of its citizens.

As can be seen, revolutionary wars are a very tricky matter. While the citizens of those nations may have something to gain, often there is even more to lose. Firstly, during a revolutionary war, those revolting are already citizens of that nation. As the result, they enjoy the rights.....

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