Social Capital Essay

Total Length: 1122 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 6

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What is Social Capital?

Social capital can be delineated as networks in tandem with shared norms, values and knowledge that aid collaboration within or among groups. It alludes to the resources accessible in and via individual and business networks. These resources comprise of conceptions, data, information, business prospects, power, capital and emotional support (OECD, 2016). Kritsotakis and Gamarnikow (2004) explain that social capital can be delineated as the summation of five characteristics. First is the existence of community networks, which encompasses human interrelation within a community through societies, groups and other networks. Secondly, there is civic engagement that includes the participation of individuals in the communal practices and the utilization of the aforementioned networks. A third feature is civic identity and it includes the feeling of equivalent participation within a community. The fourth feature is reciprocity as mutual assistance amongst members in a community, and lastly having trust and not dread (Kritsotakis and Gamarnikow, 2004).

Why it's important for Community Development and Health Education?

According to Jordan et al. (2010) social capital has real and substantial impact in all walks of life. It has been argued that social capital instigates and fosters collaboration, team work, and coordination, which as a result has a wide range of micro and macro level results that are useful and valuable. Social capital plays an important role in community development. It functions as an important, fundamental constituent that determines healthy families and communities.
Social capital is deemed to be a component in helping community activities. Having social capital within a community facilitates its development in the sense that it gives rise to coordination of people, organizations and community institutions as they work in tandem toward a mutual objective in a community. Social capital helps decision-making for the reason that members of communities do not necessitate any renegotiation every instance they get into a joint activity, as a result of projected or anticipated behavior (Tirmizi, 2005). In addition, social capital decreases ambiguity and obscurity between members of a group or community Social capital offers individual members or groups or communities with resources to disseminate the risk linked to development actions. Social capital also aids community development as it expedites coordination as a result of improved communication between group members or communities, therefore decreasing inefficiencies. What is more, social capital makes it permissible to have better sharing of physical and human capital between groups or communities, which in sequence aids productivity and decreases operation expenses (Tirmizi, 2005).

Social capital is also important for health education. Collective social capital links to the community development approach of health education. In particular, health education programs that build on and strengthen community development principles do not have the key goal of precluding a certain illness or promoting….....

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DiClemente, R. J., Crosby, R. A., Kegler, M. C. (2009).Emerging Theories in HealthPromotion Practice and Research. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Eriksson, M. (2010). Social capital, health and community action: implications for health promotion (Doctoral dissertation, Umea university).

Eriksson, M. (2011). Social capital and health-implications for health promotion. Global Health Action, 4.

Ferragina, E. (2010). Social Capital and Equality: Tocqueville's Legacy: Rethinking social capital in relation with income inequalities. The Tocqueville Review/La Revue Tocqueville, 31(1), 73-98.

Jordan, J. L., Anil, B., & Munasib, A. (2010). Community development and local social capital. Journal of Agricultural & Applied Economics, 42(1), 143.

Kritsotakis, G., & Gamarnikow, E. (2004). What is social capital and how does it relate to health? International journal of nursing studies, 41(1), 43-50.

Minkler, M. (2012). Community Organizing and Community Building for Health and Welfare. Rutgers University Press; Third Edition.

OECD. (2016). What is Social Capital? OECD Insights. Retrieved from:

Tirmizi, S. N. A. (2005). The contribution of levels of social capital to community development. Iowa State University.

Vyncke, V., De Clercq, B., Stevens, V., Costongs, C., Barbareschi, G., Jonsson, S. H.,. .. & Maes, L. (2013). Does neighbourhood social capital aid in levelling the social gradient in the health and well-being of children and adolescents? A literature review. BMC Public Health, 13(1), 65.

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