Social Control Theory in the Term Paper

Total Length: 731 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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The ultimate form of control that brings the biggest reward is to do something the Don needs. To grant him a "favor." Then, he is in debt, and, by his standards, he must repay that debt. The Don is a master of favors, and so, usually, he is the one granting the favor and expecting repayment. This form of social control ensures he will remain strong and so will his family and that if anything happens to the family, there will be many debtors ready and willing to help the Don in his hour of need. He uses social control brilliantly to ensure his own superiority and rule over his "kingdom."

Most people think of social control as the constraints society places on each other to control crime. For most people, the need for social control of crime increases as crime rates increase. One writer notes, "The crime rate by 1980 (about 80 per thousand) was over two and one-half times the 1970 level (31 per thousand), a highly publicized fact that may have contributed to the public's fear of crime and willingness to appropriate funds for social control" (Jackson, 1989, p. 19). However, this same theory applies to the Mafia's social control of its own families.
As crime and dissention within the families increase, so does violence and the grip of the Don's control. Witness the Don's murder of the fabulous racehorse, Khartoum. He uses the horse to control the film executive and ensure his godson will get the role in the motion picture that he desires. This form of violent social control ensures complete domination and compliance, but it also creates lasting enemies, as Sonny's death indicates. Social control is not an explanation for how Mafia families control their crime, but it does ensure compliance out of fear and necessity......

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