Social Network Process Term Paper

Total Length: 325 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

Stanton-Salazar reflects on the state of the educational system and the role of marginalization in preventing some children, regardless of racial or ethnic background, from a successful path throughout the school career and later in life. To explain his social capital framework, the author uses concepts such as institutional agents, institutional support and social support. The last of the three concepts is enjoyed by all children in the form of family and peer groups. Institutional agents and support however are mainly found within the boundaries of the school.
They also tend to focus on the dominant social group, currently the White middle classes. Thus the system within which these systems operate are focused on a very single-minded way of education. The cultural barrier then prevents children from minority and oppressed cultures from access to the same resources as children from the middle classes. This is so because middle class children instinctively understand the system focused upon them, while children from other cultures….....

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