Software Development Term Paper

Total Length: 532 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Information Technology

In the past several years, the use of the object-oriented methodology has grown considerably for the software development. In the software engineering domain, an object-oriented software methodology emphasizes the design and construction of large software projects by making use of reusable software components, which are referred to as classes. Usually to simplify the development process, the object-oriented methodology makes the use of graphics and graphical techniques in computer programming. Toward this end, the programmers look for incorporating the notions of data abstraction, instantiation, composition, and specialization, which are the building blocks of the object oriented software methodology.

One of the main benefits of the Object oriented methodology is that it is cognitively natural that people can easily perceive and understand the real-world objects. To cope with large complex projects, the developers decompose the projects into natural objects and map the problem into objects and into classification hierarchies.

Software reuse is one of the most important benefits of the object-oriented methodology, as it provides an effective mechanism to allow software to be reused. By combining reusable codes, the developers can quickly develop complex software modules quickly and cost effectively. Some of the common properties of the objects are encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance. For example, encapsulation allows object classes to be modified, or even added to new systems without requiring additional modification to other classes in the system. The end-goal of this is to develop a component-based software industry, while classes can be purchased, and plugged in. Inheritance allows existing code to be reused.

The other advantages of the object oriented methodology arises from its use….....

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