Soldiers the 2002 Movie We Essay

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Moore responds by air-lifting his men to the valley in the first helicopter air cavalry used in the war, a creation of Moore. Before embarking, Moore delivers an impassioned speech to his men in which he references the multi-cultural heritage and composition of the Seventh Cavalry and their color-blind mutual commitment to one another. He also pledges to be the first man off the helicopter at the landing zone and the last to step off the ground at the conclusion of the battle they expect to encounter.

The ensuing battles are brutal and Moore suffers the loss of scores of his men. It turns out that they had fallen into a trap set by the North Vietnamese who outnumber Moore's regiment by a factor of ten, with four-thousand soldiers in the area. Despite the courage and determination shown by Moore and his men throughout the next two days of fighting, there is an ominous sense of futility that is an appropriate metaphor for the entire half-hearted and philosophically questionable involvement of the U.S. In Vietnam more generally.

So many men are lost in Moore's regiment that his wife begins intercepting the cold official telegram notifications arriving at the doorsteps of the families of soldiers killed in action. She delivers them personally instead. It is also a microcosm of the degree to which thousands of U.S. soldier would exhibit heroism throughout the 10,000 days of the war with nothing gained and many lives lost and ruined on both sides. Ultimately, Moore keeps his promise to his men by being the last man to step onto the helicopters evacuating them, but only after having to resort to "Broken Arrow," code for a last-resort air attack directly on his position after being overrun by the enemy. The film perfectly encapsulates the heroism of U.S. soldiers, the futility of their mission, and schizophrenic attitude of the U.S. administration with respect to its commitment and tactics in the Vietnam Conflict......

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