Special Ed Understanding and Educating Research Proposal

Total Length: 891 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Reading, writing and arithmetic skills can be expected to progress at a different rate, but these skills are essential to self0sufficicincy and are arguably more important in a special needs classroom for this reason. A departure form mainstream educational goals and methods would likely be seen in the more practical elements of instruction; the teaching and practice of certain life skills would not be necessary in most mainstream classrooms but would be invaluable to many special needs students. In addition, heavy emphasis should be placed on teamwork and self-directed activities that coordinate to achieve a larger goal. This will help students with any type of disability in learning to use their available assets effectively with others in the community.

In Brooke County, West Virginia, there is not an extensive program evident for special needs students. Several schools in the Brooke County School District have Autism mentors on staff, and several of the primary schools have Remedial Specialists who presumably work with the special needs students, but there is not evidence of a certified special needs instructor at any of the schools in the district, or working out of the district offices (WV Dept. Of Education 2009). This staffing situation makes it highly unlikely that an effective or comprehensive special needs curriculum has been designed or implemented, meaning that the educational goals and rights of special needs students in the district are not being adequately met. The wide dispersal of the county's sparse population no doubt contributes to this situation, making it difficult to wither centralize a special needs classroom or spread costs around to the various schools, but the needs of these students are being largely ignored by the current system.

Stuck Writing Your "Special Ed Understanding and Educating" Research Proposal?

Developing effective curricula for teaching students with special needs is never an easy task. Practical concerns such as the number of students being served by such a curriculum and budgetary shortfalls can be prohibitive towards implementing a special needs curriculum, but both federal legislation and the inherent right to an education that all people have demand that it be accomplished one way or another. Coming to a clearer understanding of the various types of disorders that are encountered in the typical special needs classroom, as well as effective ways for mitigating the hindrances and overcoming these disabilities, represents a good first step in the right direction. But then these understandings need to be put to direct practical use......

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