Speece, Deborah L, Et Al., Identifying Children Essay

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Speece, Deborah L, et al., Identifying Children in Middle Childhood Who are at Risk for Reading Problems: New evidence and to analyze and access an appropriate tool for reading in elementary students using a response to intervention model, School Psychology Review 2010, Volume 39, No.2


Page 258 and 259, introductory section: The authors did an excellent job in reviewing relevant literature on reading disabilities as went ahead to state approximate figures of the number of students having reading disabilities. The numbers of students who perform below average are also provided (as a percentage).The authors also did a good job in indicating the research gaps when it comes to the issue of learning disabilities in children. This provided them with an opportunity of justifying their research aims and objectives. The authors noted towards the end of page 258 that even though there have been several advances in the early identification as well as intervention for children (student) with reading disabilities, there is a general lack of research in the identification as well as remediating older student's reading skills. The author appropriately stated the purpose of their article by noting that it was aimed at the investigating the identification as well as definition of the reading problems affecting older children with focus being on the fourth grade students.

Page 260, first paragraph in the measurement section: The authors discussed the theoretical framework to be used for the measurement of the predictor variables. The author indicated the need for considering a broader measurement framework for the purpose of enhancing the accuracy of the prediction with the older readers. The authors also reviewed various theoretical frameworks used in the study of language skills with an inclusion of the phonological processing, an important predictor of reading development.

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Page 260, the second paragraph of the second column: The authors presented an argument that recently, there has been a resurgence in the theoretical as well as empirical interest in both word fluency as well as its connection to the concept of comprehension. This they did with support from relevant literature: A good sign of sound academic research practice. They proceeded to indicate that enough evidence exist to indicate that the fluency measures of text-level and word level readings are very unique predictors of young children's reading skills.

Page 261, the first paragraph: The authors presented the importance of having criterion variables. This is indeed an excellent explanation for the logic behind their choice of predictor variables.

Page 261, the second and third paragraphs: The authors stated the need for using various methodological approaches in the quest of increasing the accuracy and efficiency of the prediction. Their analysis is important for future studies in they it acts as a guideline for any study aiming to investigate a sample comprising of older students. For instance the authors noted that that for the younger students, the process of screening batteries usually employ individually administered assessments due to the fact that the younger children normally require individualized attention in completing the assessment tasks while the older students are noted to be capable of effectively completing their the very assessment tasks in a larger group setting. It is mainly concerned with the methodological approaches for increasing efficiency as well as accuracy.

Pager 262, Methods section, the very first paragraph in the left-hand column: The authors presented a description of the sample characteristics. The sample is noted to have been derived from fourth-graders. The sample size chosen by the authors is appropriate (150).In order to ensure.....

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