Staffing Organization Essay

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Staffing Organization

Describe competency modeling. Steps to establish competency models in an organization

Competency model refers to the process of describing and analyzing various aspects of abilities, knowledge, and skills present within the organization. It also relates to the abilities, skills, and knowledge the organization requires recruiting for the purposes of achievement of a competitive advantage. Competency modeling is an essential tool or component in accordance to its application in various human resource activities thus offers an opportunity for examination of high performance and success competency characteristics. Competency modeling is essential towards the achievement of results thus creation of value within the organization. Organizations must focus on understanding the core needs for competency such as skills, behaviors, and abilities vital for the achievement of business results or output (Ambastha & Momaya, 2004).

In the establishment of the competency model within an organization, the manager should focus on six critical steps or stages with the aim of maximizing success and efficiency in service delivery. The first stage or step towards the establishment of the competency model is the aspect of performance criteria. Under this step, the organization through its management should focus on the identification and definition of criteria essential for superior performance in the role. The second stage or step is criterion sample, which focuses on the selection of the sample of the individuals who will execute the role of data collection (Ambastha & Momaya, 2004). The third stage of establishment of the competency model is data collection process. This stage focuses on the collection of data in relation to the behaviors essential in the achievement of success. The fourth step of establishment of the competency level is data analysis. This step focuses on the development of hypothesis in relation to competencies of the outstanding performers.

The stage also focuses on the implementation of these competencies towards the achievement of the desired results.
The fifth stage of establishment of the competency model is the validation step. This focuses on validation of the results or outcome of the data collection and analysis processes with the aim of adopting and implementing valuable behavior towards the achievement of the desired outcome. The final step towards the achievement competency model is application stage. This relates to the application of the competency models in human resource activities in accordance with the demands and targets of the organization (Ambastha & Momaya, 2004).

What are some advantages of external recruiting?

External recruitment refers to the process of adopting new employees outside the current employee pool with the aim of filling the open positions within the context of an organization. Just like in other recruitment methods, there are advantages and disadvantages in relation to the implementation of the concept of recruitment from the labor pool rather that internal promotion of restructuring. One of the essential benefits of the concept of external recruitment is the achievement of the aspects of skills and experience. It is ideal to note that training/development is one of the most expensive tendencies within the context of an organization while hiring a new employee. Implementation of the concept of external recruitment enables the organization to adopt or acquire employees from the labor pool with sufficient skills and experience thus an effective approach to handle the duties of the relevant position. Despite the fact that there is still need for training following the application of external training method, employees with substantial skills and experience have the potential of reducing the amount of time spent in training (DeVaro 2013). This is an indication that the employees and the recruitment process will focus on the minimization of the cost of operations thus….....

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