Should Standardized Testing Be Banned Essay

Total Length: 754 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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The ironic acronym of the Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading (FAIR) belies its inherent problems. As much as standardized testing has been hailed as a means of improving overall school and individual student performance, these methods use prejudicial and categorical unfair means to do so. Relying overly much on standardized testing like the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) is wrong for several reasons. One, relying too much on standardized testing overlooks other domains of learning and achievement. No test can comprehensively measure all the elements of a good education. Second, standardized testing creates unnecessary stress and compounds mental health issues in young people. Third, standardized testing prevents teachers from engaging and inspiring students. Finally, standardized testing discriminates against the already disadvantaged, further entrenching inequality in education.

Standardized tests measure only specific skills, a narrow bandwidth of knowledge and cognition. Even the official Department of Education report on the FCAT and FAIR reveal that the tests can only measure certain elements. As a result, the full gamut of academic inquiry is left behind when the system relies too heavily on the FCAT or FAIR. Students need a broad and high quality education that appeals to all students, helping each individual cultivate their unique skills in the arts, sciences, athletics, and the humanities.
Standardized tests create a society of robots. Moreover, the overreliance on tests means that “failing one particular test can spell the end of a child’s progress academically and professionally,” (Stephens 1). Standardized tests restrict the meaning of education, and do not prepare students for the real world at all. As the job sector reflects diversity and not the rigidity of the FCAT, policymakers need to do away with the FCAT.

Stress is a critical concern among students, and is affecting students at an increasingly younger age. Standardized testing is known as a “high stakes” situation, in which the results of the test have irreversible and serious consequences for the child’s future (Strauss 1). To place so much pressure on young students can lead to adverse mental and physical health issues. As Stephens points out, “students are suffering from academic burn-out at an early age,” (1). Research also shows that the tests are having a deleterious effect on students’ ability to learn. For example, Strauss states that the tests have “severely impacted student learning,” (1).

Teachers and administrators must develop curricula and pedagogical methods specifically geared….....

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