Standards of Evaluation Case Study

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U.S. Vs. Canada Health System

Comparing Two Health Systems:

The United States vs. Canada

Healthcare has become an issue of great importance in the United States. It has dominated debates everywhere. During the upcoming election, it is certain that healthcare will be on minds ranging from recent college graduates, to senior citizens and will be hotly debated on television. For those who have never experience anything but the American system, government provided or "nationalized" healthcare seems almost socialist. However, a more attainable, affordable, and even social-tendency-based health system could not hurt America. Yet the question, of course, remains whether America would benefit from such a system over its vast territory. Though the President has enacted reforms, it remains to be seen how these will be carried out and improved upon. In an effort to better understand various health systems, therefore, this paper will focus on a comparison between the United States and the Canadian system, and will evaluate four areas: access, cost, quality and continuity.

The United States

Though many in the press have called the U.S. health system a "mess," this is actually a very efficiently run business-like system, which, of course, may not necessarily benefit the customer.
Kao-Ping Chua (2006) quotes the American health system as being both "best health care system in the world" due to the fact that there is "freely available medical technology and state-of-the-art facilities." However, he also states,

"At the other extreme are those who berate the American system as being fragmented and inefficient, pointing to the fact that America spends more on health care than any other country in the world yet still suffers from massive uninsurance, uneven quality, and administrative waste."

From this short quotation, one can see that the access of American healthcare, though seemingly available to all, is not so easy because many are uninsured. Poor people, for example, due to the excessive cost of healthcare, which can range anywhere from around $200 to $1,000 monthly, depending on coverage, cannot afford paying these sums, For this reason, for this group, access if not so widespread and cost in too much.

The cost of American healthcare, in fact, is too great for most people, and many cannot see anyone but insurance companies profiting. It is, thus, expected that most Americans are insured through work. However, due to….....

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