Standards of Practice on Diabetes Essay

Total Length: 724 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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17) Can the outcomes be measured through standard care? Yes, qualitative and quantitative measurements are standard and needed based on the increasing number of Type II diabetes patients. This increase is primarily cultural, and due to obesity and an unhealthy diet.

One of the more serious aspects of type II diabetes is the new prevalence of onset during later teen years, most likely completely due to rising obesity patterns in children. Symptoms for both children and adults range from chronic fatigue, general weakness and malaise to excessive thirst, blurred vision, lethargy, and more serious internal dysfunction. There also appears to be a strong connection in type II diabetes to a genetic predisposition -- which is ironically a similar predisposition to hypertension, cholesterol issues and obesity. Clearly, the epidemic proportions of the disease have increased due to a rapidly aging population, high-fat diets, and a far less active lifestyle (Zimmer, 2002).

A recent article in Nature brings the problem full force -- the global consequences of obesity and diabetes as a true social, cultural, and economic problem.
One does not always think of disease as having such a hydra-like, multidimensional effect upon society, but the authors of this study see a clear relationship between the consumption of certain foods and type II diabetes, "Over the last decade, profound change in the quality, quantity, and source of food consumed in many developing countries, combined with a decrease is levels of physical activity … have led to an increase in the prevalence of diabetes and its complications" (Yach,, 2006, 62).

Modified from Slutsky, J. (2005). Using Evidence-based Guidelines: Tools for Improving Practice, In B.M. Melnyk & E. Fineout-Overholt (Eds). Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare. A Guide to Best Practice, (pp. 221-236). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.


American Diabetes Association. (2011). Standards of Care. Cited in:

Yach, D., (2006). Epidemiologic and Economic consequences of the Global Epidemics

Of Obesity and Diabetes. Nature. 12 (1): 62-66.

Zimmer, P. (2002). Diabetes Mellitus. Health Institute. Cited in:

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