Stock Strategy Over the Years, Essay

Total Length: 798 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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As a result, we received an execution price of $65.08.

First Energy was chosen, because it can provide the portfolio with stability. As, the company is focused primarily on: the distribution and production of electricity. These two elements are important, because this resource is always in demand regardless of shifts that are occurring in the economy. I selected this stock, because it can provide the portfolio with earnings stability and consistent dividends. During times when the markets are becoming very volatile, this will ensure that the value remains steady.

Time Warner was chosen due to the fact that: they own a large cable operation and they can benefit from the shifts to digital cable. This will ensure that the company is able to take advantage of the changes in how consumers want to be entertained. As, they are: demanding more services at home and they want them to be bundled together. The company has been at the forefront for these changes, which is indicating that the stock is a long-term buy. I selected Time Warner, because it can provide consistent long-term growth and dividends. This will add balance to the portfolio.

Autozone was selected, because they are one of the largest auto part retailers throughout the United States. This is significant, because the business model of the company will ensure that portfolio is able to participate in increases in consumer spending. At the same time, they are selling products that are always in demand (which will protect us against sudden shifts in the economy). I selected this stock, because it can provide us with a way of participating in consumer staples. This will allow the portfolio to see consistent long-term earnings growth.

When you step back and analyze the portfolio, it is clear that these positions can provide us with: stability and consistent long-term growth. This is because we have chosen areas that will benefit from the shifts that are occurring in the economy. While at the same time, we selected those companies that will always have their products in demand. These different elements are important, because they are showing how our strategy is designed to: benefit from these changes and protect against sudden shifts in the economic cycle......

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