Success How I Define Success Is Accomplishment Essay

Total Length: 673 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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How I Define Success

Success is accomplishment of a goal as defined by one's motivation. For me, success means achieving my personal and professional goals which includes acquiring my bachelor's degree, becoming a skilled professional and having a happy life that actively includes my family and friends. I believe that these are things will bring me the most happiness and joy at this phase of my life.

On a professional level this includes obtaining my Series 6.63. If I am dedicated to my studies and professional development, I believe I can reach this career objective. Attending college was a first step. As I continue my academic journey I plan to further develop the skills and abilities to become a qualified professional and make a valuable contribution to employers in the future. To be successful in this area, I will work to maintain a high level of organization, stay focused and be proactive in my education and work. This means not procrastinating or minimizing the importance of a strong work ethic or dedication to my chosen major and future profession.

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On a personal level, I believe that it is important to have a well-rounded social life that includes hobbies I can be passionate about and having many loved ones, family and friends in my life. My hobbies and personal interests include tennis and golf. If I can achieve a respectable position in a local United States Tennis Association league or golf league. I believe that this would be an excellent expression of my athletic ability, as well as great fun and a way to expand my circle of friends and connections with those who share similar interests.

Another personal measure of success for me is having meaningful connections with others. For instance, I look forward to having family members over for dinner and socializing on weekends. I would also like to make time for fun activities and quality time with friends, despite my responsibilities as a student. Success for me means a healthy balance….....

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