Successful Strategic Planning for Non Profits Research Paper

Total Length: 692 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 6

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Management Concepts for Non-Profit Making Organizations

Organizations are always established with the intention of making profits or have operations without the urge of making money in mind. Organizations with profit making motives are always likely to yield better returns for everyone who needs to be factored into such arrangements. From the many concerns that surround business leadership, it is important to factor them because other issues within management will depend on this kind of arrangement. The leadership of these two types of organizations differs (Morrill, 2011). The leadership at the top is always sensitive to the kind of business that is in place. Leaders who require a close tie between them and whoever is an ahead of the rest will always realize such importance in management. The main difference in the management of either of these two unions is in the kind of financial approach given to each.

The structural arrangement and size of the team that is assembled to work for the non-profit making organizations are smaller than the general arrangement of a profit-making organization. In this way, it is important always to work towards meeting an approach that best guides the relevant body at hand. This makes them the target of good activities and a center of real attraction for everyone who has the right to be involved in creating a better life for all. Non-profit making organizations require fewer employees, operate on lean finances or managed with little pressure (Kotler & Andreasen, 2008).

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This also makes them the epitome of what to always do when faced with challenges of life. It is also important in this context to allow the rest of the humanity to factor in whatever evidence that will guide its true cause of action. The more complex an organization is, the more complicated a structure it assumes. This also makes the entire identity and program sound better.

The differences between profit making and non-profit making organizations are clear. They are all visibly seen and influences what best guides them to that desired end. Non-profit making organizations are always structured to bring them to a foreclosure and unity method (Rogers, 2010). The aim of such arrangements is to make better gains out if the many other operational efficiencies that happen. The main stakeholders play a critical role in the way the organization is formed when they are not part of the decision-making organ. The aim….....

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