Successfully Navigate Throughout the Academic Processes of Essay

Total Length: 1109 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 8

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successfully navigate throughout the academic processes of today's educational system, it is very important to determine value within the sources of information that higher education needs and promotes. It is important to examine not only the information contained within articles, but their sense of argument and their direction should also be included in determining qualitative value and utility. The purpose of this essay is to examine a scholarly article to determine its value. In addition this exercise will be useful in sharpening observation skills and honing necessary skepticism that is necessary for any good scholar or scientist.

International marketing is a more recent study of knowledge then mathematics or chemistry. It can therefore be understood as a relatively new and fresh idea. It is important to keep this in mind when analyzing scholarly articles to add certain context and historical value to the evaluation process. The article I've chosen to evaluate, "Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior: A Review of Research Findings "was published within the Journal of International Consumer Marketing in volume 23, 2011. The acceleration of information gathering in the last few decades requires recent publications to maintain a forward-looking perspective and its findings. The recent date of this publication is adequate for this evaluation in my opinion.

The title of the article itself is important to analyze as it presents the overall impact the authors wish to convey to the reader. Headings are in larger text and in bold print for a reason. If there is any one sentence that the authors would most likely wish the reader to remember after completing its analysis, would have to be the title. These words set the stage for the presentation and allow the reader's imagination to narrow itself into a certain mode of thinking and expectation.

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First impressions are very important and this is the literal first impression that the author wishes to make upon the skeptical world of academic research.

This article has two authors. This is also important due to the context in which the information was gathered. Some articles have many authors and some have just one. In some cases this consensus may either harm or improve the article itself. In this particular case the article under examination and its two authors did not play a significant impact within the value or quality of this article.

The overall approach of this article is to focus their information and present an argument, similarly to a literature review as opposed to specific experiments with statistical data being incorporated within the report. The authors overall approach seems to want to reinforce a certain line of thought that includes a model to understand culture and consumer behavior. Within the introduction of the article the Hofstede model of a cultural and consumer behavior is used to measure variance within certain quantitative examinations. The authors use Hofstede's model as a point of authority and originality. The introduction is a very comprehensive and useful paragraph within this article as it introduces the main themes and gives the reader a direction to travel as it understands this piece of literature.

A very useful and comprehensive diagram was included with an introduction to explain this Hofstede model. It is a very simple and plain picture, however it is very enlightening as it shows the tendencies of the different qualities of….....

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