Sugar and Sweeteners Information Analysis Journal

Total Length: 930 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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portrayal of the status of honey and sweeteners that are derived from honey within the U.S. And how this product forms a relationship between the U.S. And other nations. The article gives the quantities that are produced within the U.S. And the imported amounts of honey as well as the demand trend and the consumption of honey. It is shown that the U.S. does not have the capacity to meet its domestic demand for honey hence relies on two thirds of its supplies from the importation of the product. The article further discuses how the reliance on the foreign importations is dangerous for the U.S. economy since factors like weather, where severe rain and hail can easily negatively affect the production of honey in the producing nations like Mexico hence hamper U.S. imports. The future of the U.S. trade with other nations like Mexico, Argentina and Vietnam is also discussed with a deliberate effort to maintain the trade patterns being discussed and agreements such ac the USITC suspension of instigations on Mexico sugar trade being salient examples. The article further discusses the global trends of production and consumption of honey, with the U.S. emerging as the second largest market for honey produced in the European Union and China emerging as the largest producer of honey, followed by the EU. The writer then closes by discussing the usage of the honey that is imported to the U.S., with the majority going to the manufacturing industry that deals in foods and most of the locally produced honey being used for the table servings and domestic utilities due to the higher quality.

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As a conclusion, the writer indicates that the fight against the illegal importation of the substandard honey from China is not lost since the authorities are at work each day, making significant breakthroughs in ensuring the genuine honey alone makes it to the U.S. markets.

There are various pertinent issues that came as new lessons and ideas covered in the article. In the production levels, it was significant to know that the there is an expected increase in sugarbeet in 2015 and that sugar prices globally are drastically dropping hence affecting the quantities of imported sugar from Mexico. The production in honey within the U.S. has also experienced its highest point as never before experienced in 10 years and this is noble information and it is instrumental to note that it is Texas and North Dakota that account for the largest honey producers in the U.S. The other issue that is new knowledge in the article is that there is an increase in the bee colonies in the U.S. over the last few years showing that though the demand still outweighs the demand, there is hope for….....

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