Summer Program High School Students NYC Admission Essay

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Columbia Admissions

Columbia University Summer Program Admissions Essay

I have always been a highly motivated individual and, for this reason, have always believed in setting goals. Despite some minor setbacks, I never gave up on my dreams and have continued to set goals for myself throughout high school. My curricular and extracurricular interests involve writing, business, politics, and film. I have taken numerous courses in these subjects, and have pursued activities that could broaden my understanding of them. Yet I now believe that in order to truly understand these interesting fields one must take one's education a step further. For this reason, I am now setting another goal, namely, to attend the Columbia University summer program.

My qualifications for pursuing this program rest both in my high motivation, as well as in my academic results and proven skills.

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For instance, and with specific regard towards the subject of writing, I have cultivated skills necessary for both non-fictional and creative writing, as well as some journalistic elements. I believe that writing allows a person to express himself, and I have always more than excelled at the writing projects completed during my high school career. I especially like to write with a political tint, and believe that writing, business and politics go hand in hand. My passion for these subjects has led to excelling academically, as well as opened doors for volunteering opportunities in local campaigns within my city.

The reason for potentially attending the summer program at Columbia is to attain my goals and….....

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