Survival Skills in College Life Is the Term Paper

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Survival Skills in College

College life is the most challenging step in achieving formal education, and it entails not only academic knowledge, but also broad knowledge of the basic learning skills applicable not only academically, but also in dealing with the hard realities of life. An incoming student or a current college student should possess important qualities, traits, and skills that will help him go through college life successfully. When speaking of the term "college life," it does not mean that college life is merely an academic challenge to an individual. More importantly, college life is the stage in an individual's life development wherein one learns to cope with the social, emotional, and spiritual problems or difficulties that goes along with the mental and intellectual challenge college life requires. In order to survive college life, three important "skills" are needed: Knowledge skills, Social skills, and lastly, the skill that I term as "Skills of Well-Being.

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Knowledge skills are those skills that involve skills and information that were taught in the development years of an individual's formal education. Knowledge skills are divided into two types, the Academic knowledge and Practical knowledge. Academic knowledge are the factual information that a student gains while studying, foe example, theories, terms, and other facts that will be useful for studying a particular field of study a student is interested in. Academic knowledge is vital in college life because this is the primary requirement and basis for evaluating a student's performance in college. Practical knowledge, meanwhile, is an equally important type of Knowledge skills, although practical knowledge requires more than comprehension and memorization, which can be easily done with Academic knowledge. Practical knowledge entails the talent for applying the concepts and ideas taught in formal schooling. Thus, practical knowledge is the application, the illustration of comprehension of factual, or academic knowledge that is taught….....

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