Susan J. Douglas' Where the Term Paper

Total Length: 625 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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However, unlike Baldwin, Douglass steers clear of dealing with racial and class struggle. Her exploration of American character constraints stick mainly to the experience of white middle class women in the United States, which is some ways another constriction in itself.

James Baldwin explores how America's rampant racism forbids the essential individualism which is glorified in the United States. Despite believing in the possibilities of American individualism, Baldwin believes that this will never be possible due to racism. He believes that the idea of white purity is constructed based on the notion that blacks are inferior in some ways. This he believes, holds not only African-Americans back from attaining true independence, but also whites. African-Americans are denied the chance to become the real individuals that they are based on social constructions; white Americans he believes are holding themselves back through the "innocence which constitutes the crime," (Baldwin 6). In both cases, the racial nature of the social construction of American culture disables individuals from attaining the American dream of staunch individualism, similar to how the media limits women in the case of Douglas.

Understanding these limitations based on the nature of our social structure proves important if one wishes to rise above them. It is a sad thing that many Americans are denied access to their true selves based on sex or race. However, if we are more careful to avoid letting these institutions control the way we view ourselves, we have a chance at overcoming them. Although the media and racism is deeply ingrained within our culture here in the United States, the first step in lessening their influence over people is to understand how the deny people their basic freedoms and liberties.


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