Sustainability Mean? Sustainability Has Been Defined in Essay

Total Length: 468 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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sustainability mean?

Sustainability has been defined in many different ways, depending on the needs of the individual, organization and their ideological orientations. One common definition is: "living within the limits; understanding the interconnections among economy, society, and environment; [and] equitable distribution of resources and opportunities" ("Definitions of sustainability," Sustainable measures, 2012). Taking only what you need from the planet and giving back as much as you can in the form of recycling, reusing, and giving careful consideration to the stress that you put upon the earth's resources are all part of living a sustainable lifestyle.

From the perspective of my profession as a marketer, it is important for me to take note of concerns about sustainability because if customers are worried about their environmental impact, than I must be worried about it. Customers are attracted to the idea that they can both consume and be 'green' the same time. However, the cost of the item must be balanced against the cost of lessening the product's ecological footprint.

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Non-organic food and non-organic products are still better sellers than their organic counterparts. The ideal scenario is to present a 'win-win' for the customer, whereby the customer can do something good for the environment without suffering immediate personal costs.

This analysis indicates why what is good for business is not always good for the environment. Customers and businesses are focused on the relatively short-term. However,….....

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