Sustainability Statement the Intent of Essay

Total Length: 479 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Specific target of our donor strategy is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The foundation provides funding to non-profit organizations via grant funding from RFP submissions. Funding opportunities exist for such activities as Early Learning, Family Homelessness, High Schools, Libraries, Postsecondary Education, and Scholarships. The success of this program is a function of receiving additional year over year funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. We feel our strategy going forward is consistent in its efforts to realize this strategy and meet or exceed our required funding requirement.

Additional funding opportunities exist with the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the Prudential Foundation. The Prudential Foundation enables funding to meet our educational goals for children and therefore are in-line with our organizational mission and vision.

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Further commitments from the Annie E. Casey Foundation will enable the organization with additional funding to maximize the experience of our children served.

This comprehensive strategy is expected to provide funding streams from the sources listed above. Our expectation for this funding is to ensure the successful operations of the Children's Defense Fund programs and operations consistent with the outlined goals submitted within each RFP to each donor. Due to the similarity of our funding partners we feel this strategy to be sustainable as our goals and mission is in-line with the funding strategy of said partners......

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