Syllogism Random Drug Testing Medical Professionals Essay

Total Length: 660 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Drug Test

The idea of drug testing healthcare professionals is a topic worth examination for many reasons. The large numbers of people in society rely on healthcare workers to perform at high levels of competency due to the risk of life involved in this field of work. In today's workplace, some companies use random drug testing as a means of eliminating potential workplace threats caused by the effects of employees using drugs. The medical world is no different, medical professionals practicing while under the influence could cause potential workplace threats.

The purpose of this essay is to explore the idea that medical professionals should be drug tested randomly to minimize potential workplace threats caused by the effects of employees using drugs. I will present my argument and discuss literature related to this topic in order to gain a full understanding of this complicated and important discussion.

Thomas & Siela (2011) argued for the importance of the nursing profession to remain drug-free. In their article they discussed that although nurses are no more likely to fall victim to substance abuse, their position in society makes their addiction problems felt more seriously throughout.

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They claimed that "impaired nurses can become dysfunctional in their ability to provide safe, appropriate patient care. Addiction is considered a disease, but the addicted nurse remains responsible for actions when working. Nurses should be aware of the signs and symptoms of substance abuse and know when to report a coworker suspected of substance abuse to management."

The cost of nurses who are suffering with addiction is incredible. The article pointed out that "substance abuse is costly to the individual nurse, their friends and families, and healthcare organizations in terms of loss of income, health, and relationships, and diminished quality of care provided to patients." This article firmly supports the minor premise within my presented argument even though drug testing is not addressed as a solution to addiction problems. In other words, drug testing may only identify the problem….....

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