Taking English in the US Essay

Total Length: 625 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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English Class In the United States

My Personal Experience

Before coming to the United States, I went to Dasman Bilingual School in Kuwait where I graduated high school. I chose this program because I have always dreamed of traveling the world and knew at an early age that I would one day leave Kuwait. English has become one of the most spoken languages in the world, due to the fact that much of international business uses English, and I had hoped that the English program at the Dasman Bilingual School would prepare me to a world traveler as well as study at an international university.

After high school I studied facts about many international university programs all over the world. I was not completely sure which one I wanted to go to and which one's would accept me. I also did not know how well I would do at a foreign school. After thinking about many different options, I finally settled on West Los Angeles College. The move to Los Angeles was exciting and there were many surprises that did not expect. The culture is much different than my home country.

My knowledge about English is at a pretty basic level. Although I can communicate with basic words, sometimes it is difficult for me to express myself or follow conversations in English. I feel as if my high school education only barely prepared me for studying in the United States.
We had an hour of English instruction per day which does not seem like very much. Plus we did not get to practice speaking English regularly at my school. However, I have a strong desire to learn and overcome problems related to communications and culture.

One of the first classes that I knew I needed to enroll in once I got to Los Angeles was the English 100 course. I knew that I needed to quickly practice English more so that I could do better at all my studies. All of my classes in the university were going to be in English and I knew my skills were probably going to make it harder to learn. But it was not only going to be needed for school, but also for many simple things that I did not expect like being able to navigate around the city and be able to read and fill out forms.

I was expecting the English class to be challenging, but I did not expect it to be so hard. The other people in the class seemed to have a much better understanding of the language than I did. This made a lot of the class discussion and conversations hard to follow. The class seemed to also move faster than I was able to keep up with and I was often confused and did not….....

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