Tale of Excellence the World Term Paper

Total Length: 1692 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Also, the students can graph his or her findings. The formative assessments is when different colonies are observed and shared with each other in class. The student's can ask questions based on their observation

Summative Assessment: Students will correctly answer teacher-created questions about their colonies. Students can graph the choices of their peers. The teacher will specify the accuracy rate desired for this task.

Formative Assessment: The teacher will observe students' discussion of their colonies. The teacher will gauge understanding by noting the types of questions students ask each other. The teacher will be looking for questions with factual answers and those that show higher-order thinking.


Assessment: (Summative) the students will all choose a different country and write a description about those countries forms of money. They will do a show and tell in the classroom on their finding. (Formative) the student's observations of the different types of forms of money from around the world that will be shown in class by the students (show/tell).

Summative Assessment: As a culminating activity, students will write a description of the money used by their country of choice. They will present their reports to the class.
The teacher will provide students with a rubric to guide them in their writing and presentations. Expectations will be clear to students.

Formative Assessment: The teacher will observe students' discussions about the various types of money. The teacher will monitor students' progress in completing word problems and offer a forum during class time for students to work collaboratively on the problems and discuss the answers.


Summative Assessments -- Students will have basic knowledge of what a recorder is and how it works.

When the students are in groups or in front of the classroom, they will observe each other playing the recorder and ask random questions to the student who is playing the recorder or the teacher will ask question- Formative Assessments.

Summative Assessment: Students will perform a march on the recorder. The teacher will evaluate each student's performance based on a rubric, which delineates the acceptable number of errors within a single playing of the piece.

Formative Assessment: The teacher listens to individual students as they practice the correct fingering of notes and makes corrections….....

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"Tale Of Excellence The World", 05 December 2010, Accessed.2 June. 2024,